Sunday, March 28, 2010

What To Do on What To Keep...

With just under 10 weeks left set for production (not including mixing, mastering and the actual making of the records), it's important for us to really buckle down and figure out what needs to be finished up. I go into the studio about once a week so that means if we double up here and there and throw in a few Saturdays before now and then, we'll be sure to have it all worked out! Here's the breakdown on what we need to do!

Horizons - Finish up vocals including some back ups
Passing Into August - Sorting of Aaron's drum parts and adding piano arrangement that Marcin wrote
Stand - Back up vocals
City Lights - String arrangements over the chorus and perhaps the outro
Bicycle on the Ice - Re-record the keys on the real piano
Circles - Vocals, back up vocals, orchestral arrangements including the addition of possible tin whistle section
If Not Now, Then When - Vocals (possibly some other subtle instrumentation)
Electric Candle - Done
Hello, Amy - Vocals and add new ending verse section
In The End - Vocals, back up vocals and strings/piano arrangement for the opening
Ask You - Finish up alternate ending, record Chad's outro guitar, new vocals and back up vocals

So that's it!! As you can see it's not a whole lot but it's important that we use our time wisely.
I have been practicing vocals a bit to ensure successful sessions when it's time to finally do all
the singing. Here's to the home stretch.

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