On Halloween, I officially released my song "Monster" as a single, cutting ties with its affiliation as the "extra" on the digital download of "What To Keep & Let Go". What better and more appropriate time to have this tune spread its wings than on the day of witches, ghouls and, of course..MONSTERS!
To accompany it is a brilliant cover produced and performed by none other than the oficiando of dark and creepy artistic representations - David Ireland. Every year, David releases a CD with his spooky, musical encantations and I was honored to have him include his own rendition of my song on his 2011 release "Halloween Creatures". I approached David and asked if he'd be interested in including it as a bonus track on my forthcoming single release and he so agreed!
So without further delay, I invite you to check out David Ireland's cover of my song "Monster", available now as a bonus track on my single over at
Band Camp. Check it out! Only $1 to purchase both songs and all proceeds will help keep me out of the dark (a.k.a. pay my electricity bill). hhha kidding. kinda.