Saturday, May 7, 2011

My View From The White Mule Stage

Every Wednesday night for about a month, I have been performing at The White Mule on Main Street as part of their weekly open mic event. It's a very great time and I have met a bunch of fellow musicians, who I must say, are some of the most talented bunch I have seen in a while. One guy has a picking style like no-other I've seen, and Nicole (one of the hosts) has a very soulful voice and has performed with a number of different bands around the area.

The style of music varies and often times find myself inspired by the different techniques and song writing angles these artists bring to the stage in their late night hours. I can feel myself wanting to branch out and change things up a little. City Lights and Stand hold their own pretty well in this sort of environment but I found this last Wednesday that spicing up even a mellow song like Electric Candle was more than appropriate and found a nice place amidst the percussive, more upbeat styles of my musical peers. Mind you, I am not interested in compromising my style in any means. However, I think my interest in theirs is a testament to my willingness to be open to anything. I am excited to see what I learn this year and how my song writing will adapt and grow. I refuse to stay where I am at this moment. Change is inevitable and I welcome it.

For now, I will continue to promote What To Keep & Let Go the best way I know how. I miss the band playing with me but I am trying to make up for it with energy and soul. Connecting with people is the ultimate goal and I hope I am.

Above is my view from the White Mule stage at 1 AM a few weeks back. Hence the lack of people..

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